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Syndon Barabash

Psychologist and Family Therapist

Welcome to the home of Syndon Barabash, Psychologist and Family Therapist

Practice Latest News !

Practice Update as at 27th November 2023

Hello all,

Just letting you know that I shall be taking leave from Friday 22nd December and returning to work on Monday 8th January. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Xmas, and here's to a happy and far more peaceful 2024. My sense is that I should also congratulate you for making it to the end of what has been a rather tumultuous year for many of you on the home front, amidst all the ongoing chaos in the world.

"NEWS" COVID-19 News: For the latest Government updates and accurate information, use the following link for the Federal Government Health site.

The Australian Psychological Society has provided a number of great resources for people during the current trying times in Australia. Follow the link below to access the latest information provided.

Change can be difficult but there are two paths you can walk down. One path may be familiar and predictable, but it isn't working for you. Walking down the other path maybe frightening, uncomfortable and take some courage, but is the path to a better future. Syndon Barabash

Insight articles

November 2023 "Be nice to yourself and others"* Earlier this year I wished everyone a prosperous 2023 adding that I hope this year will be filled with all the love, luck, good health, happiness, success and peace you all deserve! However, this year has clearly not unfolded as we anticipated..........

About Syndon Barabash

Syndon Barabash is a registered Counselling Psychologist (Fellow) and Family Therapist. She has also worked as a Secondary Teacher. She has had over 30 years of experience providing therapeutic assistance to children as young as 3 and adults as old as 80 years of age. Syndon has worked in a variety of settings including: education, forensics, counselling, specialist counselling services, and psychiatric settings. She has also lectured at University and TAFE, and presented papers at various conferences.

How to contact

Syndon Barabash

My practice location is in the Malvern/Glen Iris area. I'm available for consultation on the following days, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Appointments outside of the standard days can be negotiated. Please feel free to discuss your needs with me regarding appointment times.

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Call me on 0419 104 281

Email me at

Send letters to PO Box 1017, Caulfield North, VIC 3161

Practice Location: Iris Family Medicine

1486 High Street, Glen Iris 3146